I wish there were more people like you in the world. Still I had a run in with a double standard today.
My friend, she was sitting at the same stool as me (were at lunch so the seats aren't very big) we were just chillin then all of a sudden. Her left hand grabs my left buttocks. I look over to her and she just smiled and turned red, the second she saw my hand reach for her, she just said bluntly. "You try to grab and I will smack the shit out of you." Now we aren't boy friend and girl friend but still.... I didn't quite get the justification there :/
Ex: A guy who sleeps with a bunch of women is a pimp and gets treated like a god around people, where as a girl who does that is a whore and gets shunned by everyone.
To be frank, I think this is a bullshit example. Unless she was trying to make some sort of metaphor about how women are objectified without their consent, she was fucking with you. This isn't a social issue, this is a personal one.
> girl grabs guy's ass? cute, playful
> guy grabs girl's ass? sexual assault, will not be tolerated
> not a double standard
This situation didn't play to generalizations like that very well. The girl grabbed his ass, fine then he grabbed hers and she overreacts as offended and disgusted. To me, that didn't sound like a legitimate reaction that normal people would have and I assumed she was joking around. If this is the way all girls react to this chain of events then I would see your point but it sounds more like friends fooling around.