Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by scheczudio View Post
I play da BASS! :o

Record a song you made and show it to us then!
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
My summer? At the pool (EVERY DAY) soakin up skin cancer, chilling, playing bass, jamming with friends, and lots and lots of sports.

I'm just curious, are there any track and field/cross country runners in unce?
Haha, I understand. When I first ran a mile, I think I did it in around 9:18 if I remember correctly... I could barely breathe when I flung myself across the finish line. When I was a freshman, I did cross country to get some endurance for the tennis season, but then I realized that the varsity tennis team was just an assorted fun sized pack of douchebags. Running started to grow on me, and now here I am, running 5:10 miles before my season got cut short halfway through. It's a great, pure sport that gets me in INSANELY good health. You guys should look into it if you're willing to, but it IS very hard.
Haha, I understand. When I first ran a mile, I think I did it in around 9:18 if I remember correctly... I could barely breathe when I flung myself across the finish line. When I was a freshman, I did cross country to get some endurance for the tennis season, but then I realized that the varsity tennis team was just an assorted fun sized pack of douchebags. Running started to grow on me, and now here I am, running 5:10 miles before my season got cut short halfway through. It's a great, pure sport that gets me in INSANELY good health. You guys should look into it if you're willing to, but it IS very hard.


When I run, my legs go itchy D:

Church of BnW
My summer? On vacation in India visiting my grandma for 2/3 of the summer, then I'll just play Brawl and ToriBash until my eyes are sore
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
Hi guys, I won't be very active for the week due to this week having my birthday on it. And, relatives are coming over not because of my birthday, but because they can. And, can someone please buy something from me? I want to get the stuff sold D:

Have fun!
Last edited by Beeh; Jul 12, 2008 at 08:10 AM.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.