Media update and sdk_zone2 v.2
Small zone/media updates. Tortle seems MIA.
New stuff added to the first post- sdk_zone2 v.2
- Six new screen shots featuring the new crossbar on zone2
- added 3 replays. 1 of a quick Dcap using the ball in sdk_zone and..
- 2 of my new method of travel in sdk_zone2 v.2
Changes in sdk_zone2
- i added a cross bar that reaches across the map from red's side to blue's side. i had lots of fun with it and my friends enjoy it so i'm making that official.
i also moved the wushu hard coded settings version to the front page.
after trying it out and playing with it i really don't think sdk_zone/2 would benefit from rotating poles. version 3.3 is still beta any way and i dont wanna get ahead of all the people with out it.
Alright, thats it. next up i wanna see about gib walls and a lower roof for sdk_zone. probably going to branch a new version for that one.
<3 Thanks guys.
P.S. if you don't have Toribash 3.2 then you wont see the mod work in the replays.
if you search the forums for Toribash 3.2 you will find it. 3.3 is available on Toribash IRC as a beta.
Last edited by SDKExile; Jun 28, 2008 at 07:43 AM.
Reason: Some quick details about the replays