Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
btw, GATA is the new boss (ironic no?)

It just shows how awesome TTM was, if TTMJr is considered the boss :P
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
Lol ironic indeed. Got some pretty awesome *new* texture makers now, I see. Jusmi for one. Is hanz0 still making textures?

Texture makers have come and gone, come again, and have used phoenix downs on their dead comrades. I don't think hanz0 does much anymore, but, tb has had several great artists as of late.

The texture market, however, is broken and stupid presently. It is a shadow of its former self.

I don't know you, but, welcome back.
Ancient [Evil]
Haha thanks. Also that is true. I checked out the texture market and it's all single pieces with the occasional set. Where are the amazing stores that dominate the front page? With like 20 pages behind them?
I think hanz0 might find time to make a set if you give him lots of TC and a couple months..
T1cux: clan have eggs.
tc doesnt matter anymore, i doubt hed make a set at all.
the texture scene in general is pretty bad atm.
every good artist that comes through does a few heads then disappears, no one makes full sets anymore.
the only 2 sets worth mentioning that have been made in the past year are nuthugs mummy set and nblx's inox set
which are both joint texture experiment sets

otherwise i just put anything that looks good up here
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
That mummy set is amazing. And the 'Dream' series of videos..are some of those duels even from replays? They're so unbelievable sometimes I thought it was animated. Dayum.

Shame Clockwork8 doesn't make sets either, his heads are amazing. I'm so amazed I keep saying amazing.
Last edited by joonveen; Nov 1, 2012 at 11:41 AM.
yeah, the guys like clockwork, jebus and nblx, who came in having already developed their style bring a different perspective on how to do things.
but im really impressed by our local forumites who started as newbies, doxxy/jusmi, ezeth, chris, ferrock and alphasonik etc have really improved over the years.

the vid scene is very much up and down, one good video will start a massive chain, had a good phase with tengo and slycooper a month or two ago

the replay scene has improved bigtime since your time, calmed down now, nothing new and amazing, but we can expect some interesting stuff with the 4.0 modmaker.
expecting some decent collabs between vid makers, replay makers and mod makers.
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Hi, just gonna throw in my 2 cents on replay making.
It seems like replays have developed a lot since when you were around (I can only assume it's been a while, hah).
Realism, what you saw in the dream series, has now become a lot bigger thanks to people like Nuthug, Oblivion and Jaker.
There are loads more who are now pushing the boundries like SWEXxELITE and Largekilla too but movement seems to be huge.
Realism seems to be the concentration of most videos nowadays, you can have your own opinion on that.

I'm not 100% what old replays were like, but if I'm going on what common perception is, everyone is relaxing up a lot more, and flow is a lot more important too.

So yeah, I'm probably to new to even be welcome in this thread but fleh \o/

Got some threads you may be interested in:
Largekilla: (realism and -30)
pusga: (seen him grow and excel in manipulations and madmans)
Oblivion: (realism and tricking god)

On the non-tricking side of replay making, there's a lot of generic crap pumped out by a few replay makers. Just a few booms with meh flow and a terribly generic style.
I mean, they look ok, but ridiculously generic.

Squiziph is relly good at creative replays. Hardly anyone knows who he is, but feel free to check out the Jolly Roger replay board, his style is rough around the edges but his creativity is amazing.

tl;dr i'm a new fag who probably has no place in this thread :<
Last edited by Erth; Nov 1, 2012 at 01:26 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
From my perspective and memory madmans were the thing. No-grab (Archlurps!) was pretty popular among the higher levels of replay-making. Put those together and you have no-grab madmans, which IMO was always my goal when making replays (because they're orgasmic when you pull them off..not that I ever really made one of that level)

Meanwhile Nuthug (realism) and Rutzor (dancing) had their styles going on, and were generally pretty awesome. Probably pioneered the movements, though obviously realism got a lot more growth.
speaking of replay makers, your dreadnaught was still being worn by someone untill the end of last year, that set lasted one hell of a long time.

but yeah, joon left around the time that mosier nuthug and rutzor were the dominant replay makers.
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