Awesome ideas! Just a few questions...
- Ingame opener stats (first use, name, win ratio, who found it first)
- Naming of openers used (if you create a new opener, you can also name it)
- Ingame player stats (join date, games played, win ratio etc)
Are you planning on allowing a quick command to use a specific opener? Or is it just stats that show a replay or shot of the opener that you can view? Or neither of these? The quick opener command would be a rather nice feature. (For those lazy people who don't want to constantly click each match)
- Mouse over on joint stats (how close to breaking was the join, how much damage did it take)
This will be a very handy feature for people to use. I'm very interested in how you will implement this. I assume this will also include fractures?
EDIT: Will this be for player use? spectator use? or both?
- Pause tournament or duel (ops can pause a current match)
The pause feature seems very useful but I see a few issues with it. For example, I think a lot of people would pause a match they are about to lose and just quit? (To keep the other person from winning?) Is there a safety feature for an action like this? Also, if one person pauses to take a poop or something the other person can just unpause it and continue with them absent? (In a case of both ops in a duel - or even just one I'd assume) I guess it would really have to be thought through to keep scams at a minimum.
- /decaprize 1000
"hampa has a added a 1000 TC prize for decapitation"
If the /decapprize works out it would be really nice to see it extended into other joints as well. Such as arm dismemberments, splits, and legs. (Depending on how far you want to take that). I also would like to suggest an ingame add bounty command. If you can add decap prizes ingame why not be able to add bounties.
EDIT: Any why not extend that even more to say... /bounty hampa 1000 split
*You have placed a 1k bounty on hampa for a split*
Overall great ideas! I'm excited to see them implemented.
EDIT: Also, how about random prize tournaments? They would appear only once in a while (because you couldn't possibly run something like that 24/7) and instead of TC prizes would send an item prize from a bot inventory. It would contain a lot of cheap items that aren't really that expensive (orc, chronos, etc.) and also contain a few rare items. The point of this is to play the tournaments with hopes of getting lucky and getting a nice rare or expensive item.
The bodies would have an indicator of how much damage they took. So spectators can get a feel for how to damange system works more closely.