I never gave up after what happened back when I was a kid, and still, I did not need to shout for help to everyone around me. I live with my close friend, we pay for the house together, tho he basically never is in it. He works as a builder and he's traveling alot lately. I was raised by my uncle, and somehow I managed to live normally without need of any therapy or something. I could sleep well, I sometimes dream of my parents, tho I did not see them for a really long time. I visit their graves from time to time and it's all ok.
No one likes to be reminded that someone they love is gone.
Then it's a smart thing to post something like that in wide-open forum on Internet, where all kind of people can post their opinions.
You guys should be supporting him, instead of telling him to post pictures of his funeral.
If he wants support, he has (probably) friends, Mom or anyone closer.
I know what your going through.
But most of people viewing this thread does not and I find it simply stupid to make topic like that. Your Dad died. Ok, I may be sorry for Your lose, but keep it for yourself.