Christmas Lottery
No. Just no. Why? Physics. First, nothing is faster then light. Second, we'd need the technology to be fast as light. That'd be exactly 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Due the simple rule mass = energy = speed = light, our atoms would be decomposing and the human body and the "traveling machine" would turn into light too. in that moment, it would transform into pure energy. This energy needs to travel 42years until it reaches it goal. When the goal is reached, the single atoms would need to transform into the exact collocation, as they were 42 years ago.
This would be the same as Time traveling. Or simply, we would die, and everything around us would start to implode and turn into gasses.

Another point is : how would the human race survive this long time? we wouldnt be able to keep our body working, there would be not enough food, there wouldnt be enough water. There would be generations of incest, to keep the human race in the machine alive. Were not supposed to live 42 years without any nutriment.
Last edited by Mongius; Dec 17, 2012 at 07:25 PM.
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Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
No. Just no. Why? Physics. First, nothing is faster then light. Second, we'd need the technology to be fast as light. That'd be exactly 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Due the simple rule mass = energy = speed = light, our atoms would be decomposing and the human body and the "traveling machine" would turn into light too. in that moment, it would transform into pure energy. This energy needs to travel 42years until it reaches it goal. When the goal is reached, the single atoms would need to transform into the exact collocation, as they were 42 years ago.
This would be the same as Time traveling. Or simply, we would die, and everything around us would start to implode and turn into gasses.

Another point is : how would the human race survive this long time? we wouldnt be able to keep our body working, there would be not enough food, there wouldnt be enough water. There would be generations of incest, to keep the human race in the machine alive. Were not supposed to live 42 years without any nutriment.

You're right, but
your grammar isn't:then is not be used in the sentences like "I gonna be better then hampa" but its used like:example:" I pwn all and then I go home"
you wanted to say than , and thats the mistake what everybody makes and its make me kuffin' nervous
See my mug , it'll probably turn the flowers black
Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
No. Just no. Why? Physics. First, nothing is faster then light. Second, we'd need the technology to be fast as light. That'd be exactly 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Due the simple rule mass = energy = speed = light, our atoms would be decomposing and the human body and the "traveling machine" would turn into light too. in that moment, it would transform into pure energy. This energy needs to travel 42years until it reaches it goal. When the goal is reached, the single atoms would need to transform into the exact collocation, as they were 42 years ago.
This would be the same as Time traveling. Or simply, we would die, and everything around us would start to implode and turn into gasses.

Another point is : how would the human race survive this long time? we wouldnt be able to keep our body working, there would be not enough food, there wouldnt be enough water. There would be generations of incest, to keep the human race in the machine alive. Were not supposed to live 42 years without any nutriment.

> Implying you can't travel 42 light years at a rate slower than that of light
> Implying people who build a ship meant to travel 42 light years wouldn't have the foresight to bring some food and water with them
> Implying people don't live longer than 42 years in the first place
> Implying everyone on the ship would have to be related
> Implying there's no such thing as sperm/egg banks/in vitro etc
> Implying all kinds of crazy shit that make no sense.

Why not just travel there slower than the speed of light, use a closed system to maintain water, use a greenhouse to grow food and convert CO2 back to O2, bring enough fertiliser or use molecular nets to collect atoms along the way..?

See, that wasn't so hard since I decided to think instead of derp around.
Its not even about whether we can build something fast enough to get there, I'm sure if we wanted to build a spaceship fast enough, had the funds, and had to motive the human race could build a ship by 2020 that could get us there within 10-20 years.

The problems are that we cannot get the funding (would be billions on top of billions, possibly even around a trillion USD, if you think about how much jets cost which is on average maybe 90 billion. An unfathomably fast spaceship would far exceed a 90 billion dollar plane.). Next we have the problem of surviving the trip. It will be extremely hard to build a ship that can get us from point A to point B in hyperspeed without turning the pilot to jelly in the process. Humans can't handle the speeds it would require to fly that fast. Pretty sure we would get compressed and explode oe something crazy.

Even if we could fly to the nearest inhabitable planet without the need of humans to be in the ship what would be the point?

"Okay we got here, we see that it's habitable, now what?"

"Uh time to go bring it home fellahs."

There would be no point in flying a ship to that 42 lightyears away planet unless we could get humans in mass numbers there in relatively good time without killing all of them the second the ship takes off.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
I think it is possible, before we make ourselves all die? Maybe. But it is probably possible, think about it, people said that the car couldn't get anymore advanced at it's current state, when was that said? 1900. You know who said a person couldn't fly like the birds? everyone in the early days before the Write brothers. Sure we may say that there is no possible way for us to do this, but what if some person stumbles on the next step in space travel? It would then lead to a huge leap in that certain aspect.

The point is that there could be something out there that were not thinking about that is the key to achieving the goal. Even aspects of physics are not always going to be true, what if someone DOES find a way to travel faster than the speed of light, well off to the physics books to go rewrite them. we are innovating faster and faster every year, every day, heaps of information pilling on to our society and our scientist to soak up like a dry sponge.
Also Immortal Cow, just like in Wall-E! I knew that movie had a good idea in there.
Last edited by ManlyPotato; Dec 18, 2012 at 04:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Implying that we'd be travelling in space for decades, I admit that it would be pretty risky. I however see nothing wrong with incest because thats how your ancestors colonized america and how humanity even started. I also doubt that any of us will be on the ship to take us to the new planet, because they'll only take the smartest hundred or so people from each field and maybe a few thousand of the most honorary soldiers.
Dose is dead.
Yeah I guess that's true, Dose. But exactly, they'll be way more advanced than we are. How do you think we'll deal with that if we ever get into conflict with them?
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
I think it is possible, before we make ourselves all die? Maybe. But it is probably possible, think about it, people said that the car couldn't get anymore advanced at it's current state, when was that said? 1900. You know who said a person couldn't fly like the birds? everyone in the early days before the Write brothers. Sure we may say that there is no possible way for us to do this, but what if some person stumbles on the next step in space travel? It would then lead to a huge leap in that certain aspect.

The point is that there could be something out there that were not thinking about that is the key to achieving the goal. Even aspects of physics are not always going to be true, what if someone DOES find a way to travel faster than the speed of light, well off to the physics books to go rewrite them. we are innovating faster and faster every year, every day, heaps of information pilling on to our society and our scientist to soak up like a dry sponge.

I agree with your point. Like I said in my first post on this thread, look at all the innovations we've already made. and we keep moving forward, right? There's no telling what we're gonna discover next. The next awesome thing we find out may not directly bring us to the giant spaceship or something, but we're gonna get one step closer. I forgot who said this, but I also agree, "It's only a matter of waiting."
Last edited by Bulletron; Dec 18, 2012 at 03:27 PM. Reason: my sig... no, not really...
a spoon.
Hahaha, they can't be more advanced than us. We're humans, the most intelligent and destructive species that has ever existed. If they're more intelligent than us, they would be searching for planets like Earth so they can colonize and take our resources. I think that the planet will only contain minor insects which may be poisonous, but insignificant against the entire human force.
Dose is dead.
I think the possibility of it is good and that we have to have "pioneers" of this new planet, we can probably have a way to get there, we can procreate new generations if it takes to long, we can make our own food. But what if the ship gets a hole knocked into it by and asteroid of something? We will have just lost all these scientists, soldiers, and survivalists because to be honest, do you think the governments would send a whole ship full of generic office drones? Probably not.

Also, what about the Wall-E scenario? When we get there and this becomes a cruise for Space tourism.Where the training we'll have to do and exercise to keep our current bone structure intact? what if we forget and turn into a race of marshmallows?
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
But the ship in Wall-E is so "luxurious", if we had that then we wouldn't want to stop living such a good life either but we don't have enough resources to make something like that so our primal instinct is to strive for survival and the only way to do that is to colonize a new planet.

If the ship gets wrecked, it means that we fail. The humans on Earth would already be dead because there would be lots of chaos and mayhem among the billions of humans that couldn't go on the ship.
Dose is dead.