Stuttler - For first look, looks awesome. And it is awesome. Nice opener but not so original, this single dm with hand, you probably not planning this
. Next kick is great, very destructive. Transition to decap looks nice but i dont like this you grabbed while decap, however this grab is almost invisible so its not that bad at all. Last boom you made it with knee but its enough fast to looks accurate. Pose is a little odd with this raised arm and contracted elbow ;) love flow in this replay.
The ballad of a broken man - First 150 frames is just a little too slow. Then this kick.. looks like you have speed 44 in this kick and you dmed only one leg. Then Decap and two arm is all single dms and flow is a little ruined at this point. Transition to boom is soooo laxed
and i like you didnt dmed while first kick. You kicked, then grabbed then boom
Last dms looks a little random because you just fell in to rest of uke then boomed. Pose is very nice.
Keep it up man.