Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
More secure login file
will you all know how to get a toribash user password from a computer
you only go to login.dat and open it!
it is unsecure!
so how about making it a little harder!
there is a billion way to encrypt!
ex to md5:
another examle about encrypting
Hashing Encryption:

all others:

INB4 14 days ban
I think <vipertech is right(as always)
the best way is to create a regestry
its not a good way to hide it but its good
oh and only admins can open regedit
i did a little example:
like vipertech said its easy but how to program toribash to take it from the reg
see down
open regedit
hkey_current_user\software\nabi Studios\Toribash
it is simple to write its just an example dont judge it -_-
Attached Files
Toribash.rar (311 Bytes, 3 views)
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Also, SkulFuk, when's the last time this has actually been a problem?

2-3 month since the last "widespread" issue from it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
You realize md5 is easily decrypted, don't you?

IF you are going to do this, at least use salts.

Back to the thread, this is hilarious.
The only moment when your login and password is used, is when the client joins the server. When you log in, it actually doesn't log you in, it just copies your login and password to the memory.

When you join a server, the client sends a MLOGIN packet. It's composed like that:

mlogin login pass_md5
It sends your login and password, but the password is in MD5! So why not just save the password in md5 already? lol. I've never had such a funny time when reversing an exe.