Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
Inferno, maybe you should get a few higher rank people to moderate member? Well, like Lag kinda, but it doesn't have to be JUST Inf or 1 person, we could all take turns stalking (Soap would be good for this :3). It doesn't have to be stalking, more like checking them ingame


If you've got to spy on your members to keep them in check they shouldn't even be members.
Swapping out "stalkers" (and having them) is a terribad idea.
Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
Maybe stop closing threads and start delete?

I don't see why I should delete any threads. The ones that were bad resolved themselves and are closed, archived for any to read.

I'm not going to close any threads that don't deserve to be closed.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
I don't see why I should delete any threads. The ones that were bad resolved themselves and are closed, archived for any to read.

bad resolved themselves and are closed

*cough* :P
Sexy Man thread kgo
"Needs Friends"
Yes Soap, I suggest we give the applicants an option to create a free form application if they want to. I also suggest that if you are forum active that should be enough to join, nobody cares about belts nowadays, anyone could buy qi anyway. What matters is activity.
Last edited by Simon; Feb 10, 2013 at 09:14 PM.