Christmas Lottery
Eh, no. I'm not leaving. I said I stay here until it died, and it technically hasn't died yet. Also, say hi to KopsBro
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
HI KOPSBRO! I know him he'll be great to have in UNCE! And welcome back MatoX! YAY! HAPPY NEWS MAKE ME HAPPY
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
guys...u DONT understand,especially you pvp, we've tried multiple times to bring unce back,but no matter what,it always ends horrible,theres no hope at all,all of unce's good ol' members are gone,what about my post did you not read :/
guys,its over...
im sorry..
Look! this is a total invade, and FUCK I dont even know if im saying what I wanna right now, but everytime I see you guys (beacuse for some reason I check up on this clan more that I have to) say Im staying in this clan till it dies, I get like angried. I without a doubt had that mentallity, I shared that "undying devotion" but thats just it, how devoted are you if you say your gonna stay till it dies, that means you understand its gonna die, and your not gonna do anything to stop its death, BUT you'll be there to say you were... there...

This is not a prep talk, this is more like a sad realization for me, that I said exactly what you guys were "in it till it dies" thinking that, but really in the back of my mind wanting to leave as soon as it does.

So with deep regret, im saying! Keep Unce Alive, it cant die unless you think its dead/or will be in the future

Thats all I got and it was too much all ready.
2nd Dan Black Belt
UNCE Aikido/Sabmbo Player
Josh Homme: "Ck-Ck-Ck-ck-Ck-Cocaine!"
Aviator, I'm trying my best right now to keep it alive. Bez quit, so he has no control over the clan anymore, and that would make me leader. Even though he PMed MBK, I can tell him to not delete UNCE from the boards. We already have some people that we would recommend into. Like KopsBro, getting a 22 streak when I came in, and still owning afterwards. that's why I wanted him in, he was also nice, a big part to our clan.
Last edited by Beeh; Jul 8, 2008 at 07:01 PM.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
Yeah, I'm really sad that our old legends have left, but I'm gonna do all I can to keep [UNCE] alive, and a big part of that is finding NEW people to help fill in the gaping holes left by our former members, though I admit I don't think they can ever be filled COMPLETELY.
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
You have a new member, and you don't have a welcome thread!
Lazy peeps x)

I made a welcome thread, so post in it!

Again, thanks for having me here all this time. You guys were awesome :] Good luck.
[A L P H A]