Look! this is a total invade, and FUCK I dont even know if im saying what I wanna right now, but everytime I see you guys (beacuse for some reason I check up on this clan more that I have to) say Im staying in this clan till it dies, I get like angried. I without a doubt had that mentallity, I shared that "undying devotion" but thats just it, how devoted are you if you say your gonna stay till it dies, that means you understand its gonna die, and your not gonna do anything to stop its death, BUT you'll be there to say you were... there...
This is not a prep talk, this is more like a sad realization for me, that I said exactly what you guys were "in it till it dies" thinking that, but really in the back of my mind wanting to leave as soon as it does.
So with deep regret, im saying! Keep Unce Alive, it cant die unless you think its dead/or will be in the future
Thats all I got and it was too much all ready.