The question is what defines "Intelligence".
If intelligence is IQ, it's indeed proven that it rises with 3 for each generation (however it's discussed whether it will reach a roof or not).
But on the other hand there's a lot of different intelligences.
Look here
And then we have that discussion about weather it's "intelligent" to drop nukes on civilians and stuff.
Well, i think the question here isn't if it's intelligent or not. It's more of an instinct.
It's proven that apes can easily kill if it's reasonably safe to do so.
Furthermore, the whole social community today proves that we are still moved by instincts.
My point here is that it's not intelligence related to consume nature etc, but it's really a part of our instincts.
I don't understand this point.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 2, 2013 at 07:02 PM.