Christmas Lottery
It would be true to say that 'neanderthals' (or whatever we're calling it) had more potential in terms of intellectual evolution, since modern day humans have hit a dead end to that quite a while ago.
Disagree on the "dead end" bit.

However, 'dropping a human from a near current time and one from a prehistoric times into the wild', isn't really a relevant question for intelligence.
Since the latter has spent it's entire life doing exactly that, while the prior has spent it's entire life wondering how the remote found it's way to 'x' location.
I hesitate a little on the comparison you're making, but agree on the relevance of the question being asked.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 2, 2013 at 06:59 PM.
Yes, the shit we have now is way more then what they had to deal with.

I mean, we have cars and planes, they had to walk everywhere.

They probably lived to maybe 25 cause they were dying cause of simple sicknesses like the cold or the flu and now we have medicine and what not.
Originally Posted by Laxo View Post
No. We are wrecking the world now with pollution and ect.

Tell me about the part where that was on-topic?
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
Tell me about the part where that was on-topic?

Because, the world is going to die in the next couple thousand years and it's our fault.

Stone age people didn't let off pollution creating the hole in the ozone.

We however, did.

Smart right.

Yeah, because cavemen were clearly aware of the ozone layer*.
* That was sarcasm.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 2, 2013 at 07:01 PM.
Back in the stone age people worked with nature, not against it like now. Pretty self explanatory considering nukes and ect.
Originally Posted by Laxo View Post
Back in the stone age people worked with nature, not against it like now. Pretty self explanatory considering nukes and ect.

Than again working with nature got them killed.... Often.

There were no medicine back then so the average person died early do to a lot of common sicknesses. Not to mention having to walk every where people used to get infections on their feet causing more death.

It was extremely hard to live then.
The question is what defines "Intelligence".
If intelligence is IQ, it's indeed proven that it rises with 3 for each generation (however it's discussed whether it will reach a roof or not).
But on the other hand there's a lot of different intelligences.
Look here

And then we have that discussion about weather it's "intelligent" to drop nukes on civilians and stuff.
Well, i think the question here isn't if it's intelligent or not. It's more of an instinct.
It's proven that apes can easily kill if it's reasonably safe to do so.
Furthermore, the whole social community today proves that we are still moved by instincts.

My point here is that it's not intelligence related to consume nature etc, but it's really a part of our instincts.
I don't understand this point.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 2, 2013 at 07:02 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Last I checked, cave men tried to cure a head ache by burrowing rocks into the side of your head...
Now we have medicine and stuff.
Closed because I'm not so sure this is discussion worthy, please pm me if you feel that's wrong

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Commentary left on a number of posts. Seems like people have some very strange definitions of intelligence.

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