Originally Posted by deprav View Post

We should send those people who like Wars making a war of their own, only between them. Maybe the world would be slightly better in the end.

They just live in a dream of "Call of Duty". They think war is amusing and find it entertaining. They never seen how people suffer and how many die because of this sad event we can't avoid sometimes.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Yeah but this originally was about South and North Korea. The conditions in North Korea is and has been inhumane for a long time, and switching Kim Jong Il with Kim Jong un didn't help to say the least. Basically its North Korea vs the world, not south versus north. Schools, television and media fueling the fears for North Korean citizens, masses starving to death, people trying to flee over the boarder. While South Korean quality of life is more or less like any other asian country.

So many internet warriors trying to be emotionless, cold and stone-faced, stop being so small minded, it just looks stupid.
Originally Posted by Febrede View Post
I like south Korea. South Koreans are attractive.

Nothing to do with the topic, this is not a football team or any other sport team you bet on and go with them. The fact that people will die if a war result, will cause sadness and crisis to those places which haven't come together as one and leave aside their ideals and way of thinking for the sake of their people. I hope a war don't explode and they can agree on something.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
This thread has given me plenty of lols.

But anyway, the two states have pretty much been like this ever since the whole epidemic began, and while I'm usually one to discourage outside intervention; I'd still like for that to happen sooner or later.

Either way, the positive side is there's no reason for MAD to come from anything such as that. So I'm happy.


Originally Posted by TonsyKeim View Post
I support North Korea tho', they're like the last true communists, yeah.

No. Just, no.
Holy hell, no.

Last edited by Skolfe; Apr 1, 2013 at 12:51 AM.
Originally Posted by TonsyKeim View Post
You're foolish kid. It's not that they're born this way, it's called makeup and prob. some plastical surgery here and there. North and South are pretty much the same race and pretty much look the same w/o makeup. In north korea they use less makeup so that's the difference.

I support North Korea tho', they're like the last true communists, yeah. It's kinda heroic what they do (I mean standing for their ground and ideals when about nobody likes them)

Why the way they look affects you? Like seriously, they don't even have plastic surgery, that's very racist to say because of the form of their faces. Being heroic like you say, standing alone will cause a war because of that ego of power.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, North Korea bombed South Korea.
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I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, North Korea bombed South Korea.

Really? provide me with the link please.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Originally Posted by SchVannia View Post
Shit, I am sure if they threw on a military uniform, had a gun handed to them, then went into a war zone they would shit themselves and say "Man, war sucks ass I hate it"... People are just to clueless to understand anything these days until they are in the position of what they talk about is good when it's really bad and fucked up.

As for the on-topic... This war has been going on for the longest, they just had what you call a "Stand off" where it's been silent. Mostly a silent war to be honest. But it seems like they are finally going to open fire at each other

This ^^
The Korean war never ended. The U.S only withdrew after regaining lost South Korean land. After that a cease-fire zone was put in place along the boarder. It's nothing new for North Korea to make threats of attack. However, they've made more threats toward the U.S and now it's all over our news here. The North Korean government is equivalent to a 5 year old. They make threats they can't back up.