I heard about all this on my way to therapy today (gee how swell, seeing as I have panic attacks about these type of things).
Anyways, this topic didn't really catch my eye, it was the comment Jewww made and I have one thing to say about it. Are you mentally retarded? Not one single, innocent person in the USA (nor anywhere) deserves something this traumatic to happen to them.
Not trying to bash you on your opinion because everyone is entitled to them, but yours is quite possibly the most idiotic thing I've ever heard and yes, you should feel bad about saying it.
Matters about the topic now. At the time of first hearing it the casualty count was two dead and 30(?) wounded. And now I'm hearing various other things, so I think we just need to let this settle and develop to get a better understanding.
Specialists do say it was most likely a terrorist attack (as first speculation was).
"A terrorism expert briefed on the investigation said doctors are "pulling ball bearings out of people in the emergency room," suggesting the bombs were designed to propel shrapnel."
A quote from a CNN article I was just reading on the web.