Secret Santa 2024
I honestly feel the same way towards most media highlighting slim people. That said, anything that encourages me to directly change my body without a foundation on health is pretty damn invasive and presumptuous, not to mention shallow. That group sounds pretty defensive with the whole "no need to be ashamed of your body" thing. I'd say they're viewing it less as a pro-heart disease campaign and more of a protest to the other extreme of anorexia. Not saying they're right, rather they seem to have contracted Stockholm Syndrome from their own stomachs are lashing out against the other big problem with weight.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by Beta View Post
Well my question to the "obesity should be held to the same standard." thing is... Do we put this on all junk foods? Or all foods? Where the fuck would this go. Nobody reads fine print on items anyways lol.

No because no food is "junk food", it's just energy dense foods instead of nutrient dense foods. You can get way more fat eating 10 turkey sandwiches than eating a donut.

There's the idea of flexible dieting, meaning you can eat any sort of food you want, so long as you it in in good proportion and you eat other more nutrient dense foods to make up for it.

I'm a part of a bodybuilding community. A buddy of mine is trying to cut body fat right now because he has a show in 10 weeks, and still 5 days a week he eats ice cream. Ice cream doesn't make you fat, eating a lot of ice cream might put you in a caloric surplus though.

If he can lose body fat eating ice cream, it isn't note worthy enough to put a label on it:

Obesity = Obesity. There isn't moderation about it.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Apr 17, 2013 at 06:52 AM.
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I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Absolutely disgusting.

Why do people insist on treating medical issues as if they are social issues? Obesity is a medical condition, these people need to seek treatment.

Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
No because no food is "junk food"

"junk food made me fat"

NO. Eating more than burn made you fat.
Why so many people can't understand basic nutrition? I get the feeling most Americans think 'macro nutrients' means "30kg of sausages"...

WARNING: May make you mad

I'm proud of myself - I managed to put together that portmanteau without having to Google it.

It's ofcourse extremely stupid. Nobody in their right mind would consider being fat an acceptable, healthy way of being.

Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Tobacco companies include warnings about cigarettes, even on the box I believe? Obesity should be held to the same standard.

Tobacco companies are selling goods. Adipositivity ads aren't selling goods, they're offering their opinion (like political ads). That's where that argument falls down.

Also Cow, watch this:

WARNING: Will make you happy

Last edited by Turtlenecks; Apr 17, 2013 at 11:35 AM.