Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
MiNIBASH Suggestions
Trying to use my idiotic and childish brain here so dont blame me
You won't get special service by calling yourself an idiot.

BG music
you could change your players color (your player is always red why not another color)
new background
head texture (at least making a head ... or choosing one)
longer life
decap sound (when you get decapitated)
win sound (when you win)
lose sound (when you lose)
when you get hit sound (a sound when you get hit)

*when you get decapitated it will not play the "when you get hit sound
Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 19, 2013 at 05:51 PM.
As I understand it, the IOS version is more developed than the Android/Pc version, I'm assuming he wants them to be on the same version.
Tell me if I'm wrong though.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Minibash ?

Minibash Achievements ... just make the achievement a trophy


Minibash heads? the heads in minibash are getting old so why not choose a head


More minibash hair?
Well first of all, Minibash is not the best game. I found it fun, but not much like the real toribash at all, except with some characters like Hampa and the fighting concept. And that would make Game Center award points too easy, as minibash is that mostly, for me at least. The heads, that would take a while, plus with fingers/thumbs so big you'd hardly be able to make a good head you want. Minibash hair, now that's do-able.
Fighting the same people is boring


Butler153 Moderated Message:
They are still working on updating Minibash for Android if I remember correctly so you'll have to fight the same people until it has been updated.
Last edited by Butler; Jun 7, 2013 at 09:45 PM.