Originally Posted by Pwr View Post

It seems I bought some of your stuff, cheers!

Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Wanna buy Sapphire Relax, 10k.

Originally Posted by masterx3 View Post
Selling all my deactivate!

Originally Posted by KooopeR View Post
[S] My head flame id 1020


Sorry I dunno how to check, plz post picures instead.

Originally Posted by Berc View Post
All my deactive 80k?


Okay, still looking for more stuff! Buying loads, buying textures, etc. Balance about 200k!
Originally Posted by KooopeR View Post
/lf 0 1020

Insingleplayer or ill post pics about in 12hrs <-------- serious

I did /lf 0 1020 it said it downloaded flames, but nothing happened, What do I do?
Originally Posted by thiggist View Post
hunter grads 6k


Okay, anyway. I've got like 400k and I'm willing to buy a lot of different items and stuff. Please, offer up!