Originally Posted by
I picked the most accurate definition and the one I refer to when talking about racism. If I wanted to talk about discrimination of races, I would. But I wouldn't use the word racism.
That is not true, just because people use the word wrongly, doesn't mean the word gets a new definition.
1. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
2. Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.
Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster both agree with this definition. Lots of words have multiple meanings.
Originally Posted by
Wow, I couldn't have thought of that. What I meant to say, and what you apparently were to dull minded to figure, was: "I don't see how white people could be advanced when they're already top of the social ladder". Whites in America, in most cases, have it best. That really isn't up to debate. The reason the NAACP was founded was to help colored people through repressive times. You know, back in the 1940's and 50's.
Not all whites are at the top of the social ladder. There exists racism against whites, so why can't there be a white support organisation? If NAACP is all about getting coloured people to the top of the social ladder, why can't there be an organisation to get whites who are at the bottom to the top too?
Originally Posted by
I just don't see a purpose for it.
Which is why I'm trying to help you understand why organisations like that exist.