Twinswords, My initiation into [ALLY], I do a spin kick, And my blades fly off for no reason, DQ's me in the next turn, While i had 40000 points
Check your attidude, Its the only thing I left intact.
mind blowing moments when you randomly dq which change your life forever because you have never seen anything so dafuq.

And I once won a match with no hands and 1 leg. But of course that's just my elite dafuq skills.

god these threads get stupider and stupider.
kill it with fire.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Heh. It got to be when im playing parkour with my friend,then i was reaching the end point, my friend pinged. I raged at that time, xD

Click here!

I was getting my ass kicked by a girl in Mortal Kombat 9, she did the X-ray, and I guarded, and somehow I let go of the trigger, so she pwned me, while my friend is singing these lyrics in the background:
"I'm a dick, I'M A DICK-TED TO YOU"
and some blablabla crap
and I was like dafuq just happened?
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Probably when I accidently came inside of my girlfriend.
She was like "HONK HONK HONK!" and then flew off and shit on somebodys car.
1 i was ingam time i hit some1 and then dey said ow and i sed omg silly it doesnt hurt u irl silly roflmao lol lmao stfu and then i was like omg what has science done wtf im10andthisiswtf/!