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An option I call Realism.
I noticed there is a subtle lack of realism mods and I find it a bit annoying or out of place when limbs can move once they are dismembered, because of this I thought of the Realism option in toribash.

What it does is once a body part has been dismembered from the main body, you cannot move it, this also applies to dismembered hands and grabbing. If you were to be decapitated, you wouldn't be able to move your body at all, much like in the real world.

This feature would be toggled like if it were Sumo, Fracture, or Dismemberment, and once it has been toggled, so has dismemberment. I believe there would be new mods circled around this and it could allow for more realistic fights as compared to usual play.

Take note this is only an idea I thought of and there is room for improvement if needed, so tell me what you think of it and if you would like to see it possibly come into toribash.
supported becuase why not?
anything that can add realism for the people that want realism cant really be a bad thing
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
Its only an option Dscigs, its meant to be toggled, plus pretending isn't a very good method.

pretending is a perfectly working method, no reason to spend a lot of time coding something can already be done perfectly fine.
2 things.

1: you can just do what dscigs said.

2. It might introduce new types of scams such as someone enabling it when the other person isn't aware. Then if someone gets dm'd and can't move that limb they would report the person and that would be unnecessary
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
pretending is a perfectly working method, no reason to spend a lot of time coding something can already be done perfectly fine.

That's like those comeback rules in wushu, nobody would comeback if it could kill you. You have to take into account that not everyone would agree to not move joints that are separated from the body.

Also this is a good idea.
oh yeah
It CAN be done. There's a singleplayer script for it, don't remember where :c. The DM'ed part just fracs, if you do a decap, every possible joint fracs. And it would be cool in multiplayer as an option.
Originally Posted by Uncle View Post
It CAN be done. There's a singleplayer script for it, don't remember where :c. The DM'ed part just fracs, if you do a decap, every possible joint fracs. And it would be cool in multiplayer as an option.

One hundred percent agreed.
What can be wrong with more options?
Pendragon = Bandwagon.
Right how dense can you people be? Its another option which adds to different mods and styles. Dscigs you're argument is just stupid, -Ze- Just check to see if its on?
Meh if you decap and the other player relaxs all and falls theres no skill because I always get decapped but quickly throw him to the ground to the floor.
And toribash wasnt meant for realism.

I agree with Uncle but Ze has a small point, sometimes having Sumo off does catch you off guard and can sometimes lead to a disastrous result. But its very unlikely to do so and usually is noticed before you play.