I actually like the solid black eyes but the way you rounded his chin looks off.
Mapping is obviously great, but the drop shadow makes it seem uplifted from the back when it would look nicer if the head was sorta embedded into the back.

Still cool, lovely concept.

ps, those gears are fkd
Originally Posted by Sacriel View Post
it looks lie from boradlands so how you make it did you use gimp

no i made it in photoshop cs6

Originally Posted by HoboBanned View Post
I actually like the solid black eyes but the way you rounded his chin looks off.
Mapping is obviously great, but the drop shadow makes it seem uplifted from the back when it would look nicer if the head was sorta embedded into the back.

Still cool, lovely concept.

ps, those gears are fkd

thx i think i should rework the mask... i dont like it either.
you think the middle part good drop shadow and the back should be flat? like the parts get together at the back ? nice idea ^^
and i should rework the gears....
Last edited by tyler112; Aug 14, 2013 at 12:39 AM.
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
add shadow to the gears.
if the mask piece thing is over the gears there should be a kinda drop shadow kind of effect.
<Vordred>ther are very girls in my village
It seems perfect to me.
Awsome shading!
Brilliant Idea!
I like this Eyes. They look so cold and mysterious...
Good work tyler! I would give it a 9/10.
Well... Dude just FAQ you.
thx bostaff thats an honor for me ^^
also ill rework it soon... as soon im back home.

aurobos lol?!

dobo danke ^^
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
added new wip all i did is:
-fixed some shadows
-ereased some depth at the back, and made the lower part more 3D
- made all lines into 3D objects
- fixed some issues with blurred lines
-deleted those bad scratches i added before
-just a bit changed the shape of the mask
- kinda reworked the gears

new wip

0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
I would say put some screws on it and stuff (face) and instead of black eyes why not luminous eyes (maybe red)