Original Post
[GM] Clan League: Round 1

This will work similarly to how the world championships did. There will be multiple mods each round, 7 mods specifically.
There must be at least 3 players present for each round, any less and you cannot play.
The amount of each mod played per round will increase each round, just as the world championships did.
Each person must play once, and cannot play 2 mods in a row (if they play all matches of that mod). You may change the order of the mods as you wish in order to get the appropriate players matching their best mods. If this poses a problem, contact myself or any GM. That's not to say 1 person per mod, please do mix it up.
Basically, just don't let one guy do everything, spread it about evenly and you're fine.
Spectators from the 2 fighting clans are not allowed, if you're in the room, you fight.
So the first round will be best of the 7 mods, YOU MUST FINISH ALL MATCHES.
The mods are as follow:
Brushu (x3)
Taekkyon (x3)
Judofrac (x2)
Aikido (x3)
Lenshu3ng (x2)
swfixed (x2)

This weeks mystery mod will be tilt_fix.

The mod may repeat, and it WILL be a bit different. Add a bit of spice y'know?
Next round will be ACROJOUST


Alright guys, this is were the big stuff starts. Round 1.
A few things to note.
Both of the clans that were supposed to fight USSR died, so USSR get a bye this round.
Hunters also receive a bye because neither of their clans were able to fight, and I heard nothing from either.

1st. Untradable 2013 Clan League winner trophy*, Achievement*, TP/VIP*, 150k, Full Alpha Imperial, Demon Relax, Pure Force, SECRET UNRELEASED ITEM PRIZE

2nd. Untradable 2013 Clan League runner up trophy*, Achievement*, TP*, 100k, Full Static, Pure Relax

3rd. Achievement*, TP*, 50k, Magma Force/lax

Credit to jusmi for the banner

Deadlines are there for a reason and must be met, save being disqualified from the competition. If you have complaints or queries, pm us.
Should a deadline not be met, and it is not your fault, you must pm us 24 hours before the deadline and let us know!

The deadline for round 1 is...


There is now an IRC channel specifically for people to set up matches and to discuss anything ingame related. We STRONGLY advise that you use it.
It's called #events. Get in there.

Use the god damn IRC you scrubs.

From myself and the GameMaster team, good luck and happy bashing!

Also, sorry for the delays. :<
Last edited by Erth; Aug 16, 2013 at 03:06 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Snudge
Alpha vs Shield 15-2 to Alpha.

cmon guys we wasn't there because me and ragefist and groumet and worjets was not there,, BTW on Monday and Sunday and Saturday we made the CL match server and u were not there we saw TIcux and he said to us i have a work so he cant be in it,, sorry alpha my opinion is we must rematch the CL match -_-
Last edited by moodzy; Aug 23, 2013 at 11:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Need Help ? PM me :D cool guy
umm we asked in our match who is the leader/leaders of shield and your clan members answerd groumet and zeann, so i have asked zeann if we can do it now or should we wait for other members from his clan, he said that we can start so we did... BTW we were short on members too etc...

i also have a screeny of that just incase :O
ok i believe you impairate but the recommended members in our clan must be their,but its ok impairate thats our luck we cant talk to the luck
Need Help ? PM me :D cool guy
I was try My best to get Ethr to play But they ...Just say We dont know also i have proof and images will show it soon I will give them last chance
Just an fyi for public record, Urban vs. [g] is happening right now, will post results later today

EDIT: 9-8 to Urban, great games, really close stuff.
Multiple staff members were present to confirm so I've not posted replays, but should anyone feel I'm lying, I can scrounge my autosaves
Last edited by Erth; Aug 24, 2013 at 12:54 AM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.