Great work so far guys x) looking forward for the finished version, also do the mouth catish because ya know cats (=^.^=) And fix the highlight on the hair (make it more pointy). Will look really nice ;)
Added more things to the hair.

Please CnC.
Is the hair fine the way it is now? Or must we make something different out of it.

Wouldn't have smudged the latest additions to the hair, keep it clean. The dark blue smudged over the light blue looks awkward,
use clean lines and put it under the light blue (Don't smudge), or it will look out of place. Outlines works wonders as well, try using them.


Outline example

Would've made the nose bigger, mouth too... Looks too small. My opinion though, as if it counts.
Originally Posted by Yoki View Post
Added more things to the hair.

Please CnC.
Is the hair fine the way it is now? Or must we make something different out of it.

Imo the hair is the worst part. I know you can do better on it. You should always spend the most time on the hair to make it look good, it's also odly mapped like an emo head which is distasteful for anime style.
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
In my opinion i like the hair... Just saying... it looks different and i like it

It's really too different. There's too many styles and it looks like a combination of nothing you want.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Ehhhhhhh.... Also i havent really slept in like several days.... So... sry hobo.. <3 Also i would try to do the hair better... but currently i dont have a tablet.. -sadface-
Great head so far but you need to add a bit of pink hair to the top and a little bit more details and shades.
Ive got plans for it.. Thanks eragon... c:

Okay.. so i have a few plans for this head... but you will just have to wait and see ;)
Kawai head. But cant understand one moment. What going on with left eye ?
(right eye for us)