Now we're gonna fight spammers with flamers? I kinda doubt that'll work.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by BetaVolt View Post
Get out.

why would you say something like that i am just trying to help you
Originally Posted by BetaVolt View Post
Get out.

Look at this 08er telling people to get out.
I bet he never even bought a copy of the game filthy freeloader
fucking freeloaders who do they think they are do they think the internet is free i spend 30 bucks a month for the internet but these freeloaders think IT IS FREE!!
Nice double post you stupid fucking asshole. I dont give a shit anymore im going full out flaming on you stupid dickless bastards. Get the fuck off of these forums.

You'll soon learn when i have so many infractions.
what?? i dont understand why some ppl on here are outright just being mean to me i am just saying hello and wondering how i can help to fight the goon meance