I don't get what your talking about here. Is that there is really no end of the game to beat. Like, there is no last level with nothing past it for you to beat so you can consider yourself the winner of the game? Is that what your getting at.
If so, that is one of the great parts about this game. This is the one game, no matter how long you play it, you will never fully win the game.
Its a never ending battle that wether you win a match, or lose a match you really in a metephorical (spelling?!?!) way, you nethier lose or win. You are stuck on the same level for an iternity along with every one else. Just some people have been on this level longer than the others, and some have had more battles in this level than the others.
Its almost like real life. Instead of levels, its like a dimension. In the end, you never win at life. You can have small tournys, or comps that you can win at like in tribash, but in real life, they are sports, games, lottery. That kind of stuff.
In a sense Toribash is alot like life, and alot of features in this game can contribute to that like shaders shows us the different secnery and joints and such are like our clothes.
That kind of got a little off topic the more I talked, but it sounded good to me lol.