why you aggreed then when i asked you if you
"accept the same feet in aqua isntead of marine" ?
you canīt blame me for something you accepted.
as far as i know (im not 100% shure)
Hanz0 (no im not trying to throw hanz0 in this)
he uses
verry similar hands for his "halo 3 series" (same?)
he jsut might use the mas tempaltes and customsie them, as i do.
The rule shall prevent that you create one texture and sell it to multiple ppl.
They might meet someday and both got the right for the texture wich will lead to a problem no1 can solve.
since i made 100% shure i got IF/namcoboy/DS "OK!" to the usage of the "same" texture,
i dindīt broke this rule by its meaning.
Originally Posted by
If you have your shop for a long time, you should've read the rules. No use of other people's art. He wanted something similar, not something with another colour.
As an impartial judge, I think you are guilty, because you used other people's art, with no shown evidence of consent.
I made this art myself and used it as a tempalte (the hands),
for the Feet i got the "ok!"
Last edited by Nightmare; Jul 28, 2008 at 11:16 PM.