Well, yes. Obama is certainly the best out of McCain v Obama. McCain would basically be a continuation of the Bush administration, plus he is very old and sick (not joking, he is really old, and ill). People (myself included) like Obama primarily because he talks a lot about changing the way American politics works, most Americans agree with you Veb that our system is 99.99% garbage and Obama claims to want to fix it. The main thing against him are his inexperience, specifically with foreign affairs. That's why it would be good if he chooses an experienced Vice President, then he could maybe beat McCains war history and really smoke him in the elections. Obama is an idealist, almost to a fault, and a lot of people think he will be a cure all for the country. Obviously he wont, but he does offer a lot of promising ideas, and he is able to bring people together like no one I have ever seen.