"Favourite" or "Favorite"?
"Colour" or "Color"?
Favo(u)rite colo(u)r?
The time at which your adventuring commences? PIN-number?
Preferred color of sock?
You had better have some f**king Jolly Ranchers when I get there.
Last edited by Cheeseburger; Dec 25, 2013 at 01:11 AM.
Lord-masturbator spawning for consultation so I would know which pose and hand should I use.
Originally Posted by Kingsta
Favourite thing to wash in the shower
The air.
Originally Posted by Cheeseburger
"Favourite" or "Favorite"?
"Colour" or "Color"?
Favo(u)rite colo(u)r?
The time at which your adventuring commences? PIN-number?
Preferred color of sock?
You had better have some f**king Jolly Ranchers when I get there.
The color of pal's Duck.
All the time. 1234