Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Bezurker View Post
jesus christ,i said in the revo war id be leaving some time and leave leadership to some one who i thought was best fit, did you all forget this?

Well, yes. But, even with that, you're taking most of the members with you.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
Originally Posted by Bezurker View Post
Stfu,activity is scarce,and only 2 people besides me get on Toribash. It's still not like the old days. I thought I could fix it,but iIwas wrong, and I couldnIt take it anymore, besides, you left because you couldn't "handle the pressure" or something. You didnt see me bitch about it. Now gtfo

Were you flamed for trying to help your clan to not die? No? Oh I'm sorry that you just left because of inactivity. When I was leader the activity wasn't any different if you didn't notice.

You didnt see me bitch about it. Now gtfo


Keep in mind I did not make any part of this decision lightly, and recently you may have noticed I have been stressed out. The merge was partly why; that and school. Already after saying this I have felt a large weight lifted off my back. A little rumor may have spread that I wanted to join another clan, some targetting specifically guru. Not true. This decision is to help me. Recently managing this clan has taken up my spare time, and that is not good considering I also have schoolwork, and finals are coming up soon.

I'm sorry that I had real life problems to deal with at the time, but where does it say I couldn't handle the pressure? I was stressed due to amazingly large ammounts of school work being issued. Maybe when you finally get serious with your academics you'll understand that school can be challenging, and isn't about wasting time in your day, but actually trying to help you.

You didnt see me bitch about it. Now gtfo


I love when people can't come up with a good counter-argument, so they start spewing random acronyms hoping that random and senseless flaming will deter the person that is making valid points against them.

Oh, and I took 5 seconds to correct all your grammar and spelling errors. Maybe you could learn from them ;)
Last edited by JDawg; Aug 2, 2008 at 12:46 AM.
Since when did I become Asian?
Counter Arguement Initiated

Jdawg, it would be a very wise thing to not post in this thread anymore. You have said it your self, that you are a guru now, and that your affares with unce are over. So, please for peace sake I would recomend that you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. All though i still have respect for you, you are not a clan member, and do not have the right to be bringing All this shit to the forums.



that your affares with unce are over

Affairs* by the way.

Anyway, no that's not what I said. In my leaving post I believe I stated that I would still regularly check the unce forums, and try to help whenever I could.

Right now I'm trying to help convince bezurker of his own mistake, by trying to blatantly make a fool out of him to show him how wrong he is to leave over something that can easily be fixed by recruiting members.

What shit am I bringing. Everything that I'm saying here is logical and well thought out. Everything I'm saying is true up above, and I'm making sure of that. I bring no shit to these forums, I bring logic.
Last edited by JDawg; Aug 2, 2008 at 01:26 AM.
Since when did I become Asian?

IceShadow, you have to realize that just because JDawg, and myself, are not in the clan that it doesn't mean that we do not care about the clan. This being my first clan and seeing that somebody wants to disband it and act as if nothing is wrong is slowly causing me to feel a slight sense of aggression.

It's just a game!

Means nothing to me. I don't play this for fun. I play this game because of the people in it. I want you all to know that I, being one of the people who talked bezurker into coming back to unce, am very disappointed in you.

I figured that you guys would ask for help every now and then, and that I would respond to you guys with a friendly answer. Why did you wait till now to quit? And why did you convince all of the members to get up and follow you? If you remember something similar happened when Blam left, and I remember a certain someone being somewhat pessimistic when he did leave.

Maybe you're forgetting all of the good times unce has brought us, and are trying to find an excuse to leave. If that is so, then please be honest with all of us.

Your Friend,

Last edited by Eckz; Aug 2, 2008 at 01:47 AM.
You know, since you now only have 3 members left, if you want me back, I'm still here. Let me know if you need me
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
OMFG i didn't convince my members to follow me,they said they'd leave because i left

for gods sake,stop posting,im closing this.
@Jdawg, lol 5 seconds to capitalize everything. (F)ail >.>
ENOUGH ALREADY! You've still got 3 members left; 4 if you let me back in-UNCE IS NOT DEAD! You just need to start off fresh and get yourselves good, active new members, reorganize yourselves, and keep this clan alive! UNCE won't die if you all work together as a team and show dedication! Yes, things are not going great at the moment, yes, we barely have anyone left, yes, we're having one hell of a hard time, but UNCE IS NOT DEAD, and I urge you all not to let it become so!
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
Teehee... only 3 days since my last post, and lookie here! I didn't expect something like this to happen. Let's take it easy for a while and enjoy our summers. No offense to Bez, but you've been a bit immature ever since power over the clan was bestowed upon you. I'm not pointing fingers, but I think I speak for all of us when I say that I'm a little diappointed in you. Oh well. Enough with the seriousness. I think that if only we had just set aside the inactivity problem and actually attempted to have more fun, then new members would have been a given. Again, oh well. What's done is done. Let's let bygones be bygones. I know that it's been stressed plenty, but I'll say it again: It's summer! Live a little. I think that we should set this whole situation aside for now, and come back to Toribash later when we're all feeling a bit better about the situation at hand. Gee, I can really get carried away sometimes. That was quite a long post.