Are you referring that if there could be some percents off of regular amounts of relax/textures/hold/blood/misc/etc.? Like when you mentioned it for around the holidays or for Black Friday, you went to the mall and you see these signs saying that there's 50% off of things for sale and limited? In here they could lower them like 2000% tc off or more until the holidays or Black Friday's over. BUT. When they begin with this, they would start storming out the door for the limited edition for BF/Christmas and it would seem that they're outta stock so I'm not too sure about that one. Now, the last thing I wanted to discuss is the average tc whenever you in in these official servers. They REALLY gotta start putting aikido big dojo official servers cause regular old aikido's too boring, right? The average amount of tc for the winner could be 500 tc. Plus, this whole booster thing is kinda off right now. So, ~Half supported