wow other nigrs start cncing his replays u fukn lazy nigrs.
Opener was preety squeaky. Liked the spins and all.
First hit was good, but then it went all poopy when you didn't really get any good spins. >:
There was a lot of potential for a really spinny manip there if your right leg didn't go all floppy and useless. You still got a decent amount of lift, but it could've been so much better. Movement at that part was like bad too. >:
didn't really like how you reversed the flow for the split, but, the split cap combo was nice. Movement was good from the point where you started jumping through the rest of the replay.
Pose could've been better but whatever.
Pls remake this and spend a lot of time on it and make it a really spinny manip, il love you forever, not that i don't already.