Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Gift code giveaways
So, alot of games have this gift card system where if you recieve a code, you could use it to get some bonus things. For instance, borderlands 2 you have the golden keys. LoL has the RP, etc. So I thought it would be a great idea to have these gift code giveaways. These giveaways happen about once every two months and only a selected amount of people can use it. You could find these on the facebook page and should promote the facebook fanpage. Let's say 10k to the first 50 people who use the code. Something like that

I don't want to leave it off here so here are some pros and cons

Gives people TC
Promotes the facebook page by making people check almost everyday.
People who check the TB facebook page finds out there's a chance to get more TC and encourages them to play the game more
Boosts marketing by giving them starting TC which allows people to buy, sell, buy, sell, etc
Gives quick TC when needed

TC sink may be needed if done wrong
Inflation maybe
Change of torishop prices again

For fucks sake, wrong forum. This is so embarrasing. Someone move it pls. I don't mind an infraction >.<
Last edited by Nagato; Jan 19, 2014 at 06:47 PM.
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So you could go use this codes in tourneys to, you win the tourney and you dont get 20k but you get code 18D52PL as example, but if the maker of the code has a fee on it he could use normal transfer tc to, cause this is no fee. So if you would use it for that its useless. But its a nice idea for prizes for tourneys/events and shit given by the staff.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
So you could go use this codes in tourneys to, you win the tourney and you dont get 20k but you get code 18D52PL as example, but if the maker of the code has a fee on it he could use normal transfer tc to, cause this is no fee. So if you would use it for that its useless. But its a nice idea for prizes for tourneys/events and shit given by the staff.

It's going to be in a set, so something like 2k tc for a code could suffice. The reason why there's a fee is because there should be a limited amount of codes being made. We don't want so much that certain codes must be reused for another code and fuck up the system if the previous code wasn't used yet.
Also, sinking. Yay
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