Our war will have to be tomorrow after 4 pm gmt -5 or -4, not sure which it is
And you'll talk to Les about what time he's available?
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you
So Les can't come tonight, and I'd like to get some more people in my clan, so let's delay the war for a few days.
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you