ya he just told me and saint he knows that u have friends and he was juts kidding with u ( and i know it was a stuiped joke and i told him but he said that u toke it personly ) and he says he says that hes sorry and reason that he was jokeing with u he told me that u well know but he say now that hes sorry so well u accept it ? ( and i agree that its a stuiped joke )
He wasnt joking...he's saying that cuz he dosnt know what to say now.Calling some one a lier isnt a joke.sooooo no.I dont realy want to have any thing to do whith him.He pissed of my frineds and ppl i care about and he did it to me why should i.
first i want u to know that im not taking sides but he told me that u lied to him something that is big and he didnt hate u for that ( which he should ) but dude he is saying sorry and plz his my brother and i know him if he said ( sorry ) he means it and there ramadan ( the month ) is coming and he doesnt want and he doesnt want any 1 to hate him , so do it for me .

and btw : u did lie to him a biiig lie and u remember
That thing i lied about...Saying i cant go to your house when i could isnt a big thing... he was forcing me to go to your house when i didnt want to.thats not big at all.
dude what do u mean ure not taking sides no matter what happens u have to take sides with ure bro sorry to say no matter what he does
DUDE AM WITH MY BRO TILL DEATH !!! o ya this is clan dissctoin not a life dissctoin , sooo moving on ! .