Originally Posted by AHD View Post
We would possibly aid them until they are smart enough to do the tasks of a modern slave.

If they become so smart they can do the tasks of a modern slave, if they got sick of it, would they break out and attack? The same way a modern slave would quit. But these are animals so they can't quit. They will probably kill.
I imagine we would enslave them for a few hundred years and then show some kind of compassion and let them mold in with society. If they had firepower equal or greater to ours though, we would most likely try to reason with them or kill them off. Interesting thought though.
Take a look at ants, there's a single colony of ants that practically covers most of America and it's not even from America, damn immigr-ants.
If that's not growing, then what is?
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
There are animals that are smarter than us, like dolphins, but I think we got lucky with getting the use of hands and what not. But what about Chimps? They are just as smart if not smarter than us. Whats to say they wont start colonizing?
I guess it really depends,
In the case it were aliens they would die from diseases within months of arriving, our air is poluted with stuff that we don't notice but would poison new lifeforms if they were to live here. In the case that apes somehow became super intelligent we'd probably watch over them like spectators in toribash to see what they did. Either that or we'd gun them down and steal their oil like we already do in the middle east...
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
There are animals that are smarter than us, like dolphins, but I think we got lucky with getting the use of hands and what not. But what about Chimps? They are just as smart if not smarter than us. Whats to say they wont start colonizing?

It feels wrong to say that dolphins are smarter than you but I won't rule it out just yet. Possibly you just watched too much hitch hikers. I've never seen a chimp build a shelter or cook a meal before it eats it, and there's no reason for them to do either of those things. This is starting to get a bit silly really.
I'd think america would be a police state and call them communist and kill them off?
I don't exist