Re: Yellows Detailed guide to Multiplayer terms and fighting!
Cevius didn't even say anything.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: Yellows Detailed guide to Multiplayer terms and fighting!
The nukem is a ground version of my aerial finisher move... :P
What what? In the butt.
Re: Yellows Detailed guide to Multiplayer terms and fighting!
Well Foxie, you should of thought of a name before a bunch of clanners came up with a move and named it the NUKEM.
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Re: Yellows Detailed guide to Multiplayer terms and fighting!
Foxie hasn't been on for the past... really long time. She couldn't have. :P

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: Yellows Detailed guide to Multiplayer terms and fighting!
Srsly, i had that move up for grabs (download namely) in my advanced tutorial before the clan that uses it was even founded... :P
What what? In the butt.