I figured I should come back here for a bit to see what's up, and I guess I'm going to properly introduce myself. My actual name is Zenen Treadwell and I'm from Canada. I joined HellRazor (the clan that combined with Phantom to become Sigma) in 2009 and I remember being very excited to be part of the group. I was 12 back then, and I'm amazed that I'm now 18 years old. It's kind of cool to think that I grew up with you all in a way, maybe not recently but you all definitely got me through middle school.
These days, I'm spending most of my time in school (Chem/Physics/Programming/Calculus hardest semester of life), and when I have some free time to spend on the computer I'm playing LoL. If you want, add me at SigmaHiVoltage. Anyways, I'm just managing to get through my last semester and afterwards I'm off to work my third summer as a camp counselor. For me, it's basically the best job ever, even if the pay is shit. The people I work with are like the best family I could ask for and we all have awesome parties on the weekends. After the summer, I'm taking a year off to travel to Brazil for 6 or 7 months (I'm really excited). After Brazil I'm going to head to University for mechanical engineering. Chatting with you guys when I was younger was always a fun time, hope you guys are having an awesome life.
Last edited by HiVoltage; Mar 27, 2014 at 05:51 PM.