Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
I think God put them throug the suffering to see if they would stull put their trust in him.

I think that's quite an extreme interpretation.

God's disregard for the covenant should be considered as asshole behaviour. Why should anyone trust a God who has no regard for a sacred promise made to His chonse people?
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There were many times in the bible where God tested his followers. It is the hosen land but does that mean it wil be right now, or million years later?
Don't Be Racist
I'm guessing that behaviour is unilateral, if a Jewish person didn't uphold their end of the covenant it is instantly void...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
There were many times in the bible where God tested his followers. It is the hosen land but does that mean it wil be right now, or million years later?

You should see how ridiculous you sound.

When you get a girlfriend you don't cheat on her to see if she remains with you.
There are many forms of religion, all coinciding with the same purpose to give people hope and believe there is something more out there.

I think its beautiful, and no one has the right to take that away from them, believe away, and it might pay off in the end. Whats the harm in someone who wants to believe in something more?
Originally Posted by Cheshyre View Post
I think its beautiful, and no one has the right to take that away from them, believe away, and it might pay off in the end. Whats the harm in someone who wants to believe in something more?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of harm.

Look at what Christianity has done to black people and homosexuals. Look at how often certain Muslim sects declare holy wars.

Personal belief is one thing, but enforcing your opinions on to others, or propagating your own opinions at all is probably a bad thing.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Religions don't kill people, people kill people.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Unfortunately, there is a lot of harm.

Look at what Christianity has done to black people and homosexuals. Look at how often certain Muslim sects declare holy wars.

Personal belief is one thing, but enforcing your opinions on to others, or propagating your own opinions at all is probably a bad thing.

A religion (by definition) is a spiritual relationship between a person with a deity or a supernatural being (or an apparently supernatural being). This relationship, in most cases, helps society as much, if not more than it hinders it. The rules about food are obvious: some preparation of food is more hygienic so cultures which command this religiously grow and so does there religion. Resulting in better hygiene for that entire regions population. The Muslim rules about cleansing yourself (washing) help sanitarium as well. Also most religions have good meanings within them which most believers focus on, like love and forgiveness in Christianity as well as helping the poor (Jesus did all these things whether out of holiness or out of being a good guy in general). I am afraid I don't know the central moral teachings of many other religions (respect for nature in Hinduism and lots of really truthful stuff in Buddhism). People can go to war without a God and would probably go to war no matter what. If someone came to you home and lynched your family (sorry for grotesque imagery but this needs to be emotive) you would probably think they were evil and that it was morally right to kill them or have them punished. a Christian would believe they should punish these people because of the Ten Commandments. A Muslim might claim it was for (I don't know if typing his name without proper techniques is acceptable I know Muslims find portrayal of holy things a difficult subject).

I think it was the economic philosopher Karl Marx (also known as the father of communism) who wrote: "religion is like a drug" and I agree with him to a point. Drugs would be fine if they didn't cause sane people do dangerous things and hurt others and many drugs eventually end up killing the addict by an overdose. Have you ever seem anyone have a fatal fit from reading the bible too much? Such in some churches they crawl along the ground and pretend to be dogs but they don't tend to die as a result. I am not saying religion is harmless, just that it relatively harmless. Oh course there are crazy preachers but they were usually sane beforehand.

On the other hand this could be said about the good things people do for religion and you could argue that all charitable missionary work would be done by the same people if religion never existed.

Thank you so so much for reading I usually only get to do religious debates with idiots.
Good morning sweet princess
I thought this video was pretty interesting and relevant and sort of paralleling the direction that this thread looks like it's about to enter:


To sum it up for you and why it's relevant:

Marilyn Manson basically says "I'm not responsible for the way some people misinterpret my message and then go on to do terrible things in the same way that the bible isn't responsible for the hyper-religous zealots that mass murder over their misinterpretation of god's words"
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
A religion (by definition) is a spiritual relationship between a person with a deity or a supernatural being (or an apparently supernatural being).

I think you are trying to shoehorn religions in to an idealised definition. In the real world a religion is much more than just a relationship - it's an entire system, a doctrine, an institution.

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
This relationship, in most cases, helps society as much, if not more than it hinders it. The rules about food are obvious: some preparation of food is more hygienic so cultures which command this religiously grow and so does there religion. Resulting in better hygiene for that entire regions population. The Muslim rules about cleansing yourself (washing) help sanitarium as well. Also most religions have good meanings within them which most believers focus on, like love and forgiveness in Christianity as well as helping the poor (Jesus did all these things whether out of holiness or out of being a good guy in general). I am afraid I don't know the central moral teachings of many other religions (respect for nature in Hinduism and lots of really truthful stuff in Buddhism).

Unfortunately this creates a lot of problems. Muslims still do not eat pork, ritual cleansing is no longer necessary, and Christianity has evolved to allow absolution from any crime (dante's inferno?).

Christians have long since abandoned Jesus's teachings about the poor (except arguably orthodox ascetics). What was once a well meaning ideal has been abandoned in favor of personal gain.

And on the other flip side, traditions that did used to have meaning (not eating pork) are held on to for esoteric purposes while the pragmatism behind them is lost.

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
People can go to war without a God and would probably go to war no matter what. If someone came to you home and lynched your family (sorry for grotesque imagery but this needs to be emotive) you would probably think they were evil and that it was morally right to kill them or have them punished. a Christian would believe they should punish these people because of the Ten Commandments. A Muslim might claim it was for (I don't know if typing his name without proper techniques is acceptable I know Muslims find portrayal of holy things a difficult subject).

An interesting situation because a /true/ Christian or /true/ Muslim would not take it upon themselves to punish someone who does wrong. Both religions believe that you should endure hardship and not cause harm to others.

In this situation, theoretically, both would not attempt to punish the attackers. Of course, how many true followers of religion exist? Even America (the largest Christian nation in the world) has the death penalty, completely at odds with their supposed religion.

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
I think it was the economic philosopher Karl Marx (also known as the father of communism) who wrote: "religion is like a drug" and I agree with him to a point. Drugs would be fine if they didn't cause sane people do dangerous things and hurt others and many drugs eventually end up killing the addict by an overdose. Have you ever seem anyone have a fatal fit from reading the bible too much? Such in some churches they crawl along the ground and pretend to be dogs but they don't tend to die as a result. I am not saying religion is harmless, just that it relatively harmless. Oh course there are crazy preachers but they were usually sane beforehand.

On the other hand this could be said about the good things people do for religion and you could argue that all charitable missionary work would be done by the same people if religion never existed.

Marx meant only negative things when he wrote those famous words;
Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.

<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Hoping this helps.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I think you are trying to shoehorn religions in to an idealised definition. In the real world a religion is much more than just a relationship - it's an entire system, a doctrine, an institution.

My point wasn't that systematic religious doctrine wasn't part of religion, you misunderstood what I meant to imply. I simply mean to suggests that if a person likes praying to someone who they believe loves them and will help them then this is not a bad thing, it can stop depression and is in some aspects a beautiful permutation of the human nature of denial (and should be considered as a religion (as Karl Marx criticised).

Next misinterpretation! (Systematically next not chronologically)
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Marx meant only negative things when he wrote those famous words;

I was criticising Marx belief that religion was only like a drug in a bad way. I am allowed to agree with parts of the point he is making but be against other implications.

My point that religious people will justify there actions was to show that there were misinterpretations. The actual doctrine which you so criticised seems to be being supported by you here. A true Christian would not kill but Christians still kill for God because they want to kill for something. It means they are (as has been addressed) misinterpreting their religion and abusing it's morals. I think we are on agreement on this point. Christians who kill for God are not acting out true

Christians still act charitably according to Christ's teachings. There are thousands of Christian charities and (although this can be interpreted either way) people who believe in a god tend to be happier (I'm not sure if this is still the case).

Does this help you understand what I was trying to say?

dear moderators, this isn't am atheism verses religion argument so there is no need to remove it. We are arguing about whether the existence of religion is dangerous which is much more important than whether religion is correct. Anyway it is a debate between two atheists not Christian verses atheist. Thank you.
Good morning sweet princess