Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Well, no they couldn't.

Facebook definitely does not have the capital to buy out google (since I doubt google will sell YT)...

Well i mean....
Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest Billionaire.

Redundant Moderated Message:
So what? There are things even the youngest billionaire may not be able to afford.

~Sure, good point
Last edited by HayBale; Mar 26, 2014 at 09:02 AM.
Killjoys, make some noise!
They wasted their money on buying oculus. They could have bought clean water for they children in Africa but noo.

There is a video on youtube that says wht they could have done with the money. Sorry no link because im on my phone.
Don't Be Racist
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
They wasted their money on buying oculus. They could have bought clean water for they children in Africa but noo.

There is a video on youtube that says wht they could have done with the money. Sorry no link because im on my phone.

And how is buying clean water profitable? O_o

Please explain it to me.

Facebook is not a charity.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Are you kidding, so that the people out in Africa have something to drink and dont die because of lack of food or clean water. If you had to go a week with dirt water, you couldnt do it. Well, they had to go their whole life without clean water.

The people of Facebook are already rich enough, why would they need more money?
Last edited by Eddylee; Apr 14, 2014 at 01:04 PM.
Don't Be Racist
I don't see how that's facebook's problem or responsibility, or how you can expect them to make a profit from that.

Most of FB's employee's aren't rich.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Your right, they are not rich. Neither is the people in Africa who cant support themselves.
It is not anyones problem but people shouldnt waste their money why they can donate it to charity.
Don't Be Racist
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
Your right, they are not rich. Neither is the people in Africa who cant support themselves.
It is not anyones problem but people shouldnt waste their money why they can donate it to charity.

So you are saying to donate the money to charity instead of buying occulus rift?

Yes buying occulus was a mistake but donating it to charity is a bigger mistake. Do you think facebook is not donating money today to poor people? Why donate now when you can profit so that you donate more in the future.

Its like me saying to you to stop studying and get a job now and donate all your money and save money so you survive everday.

Do you really underatand how money works today?
I overdid this reply a bit.
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
Are you kidding, so that the people out in Africa have something to drink and dont die because of lack of food or clean water. If you had to go a week with dirt water, you couldnt do it. Well, they had to go their whole life without clean water.

The people of Facebook are already rich enough, why would they need more money?

I haven't ever looked this up but doesn't Mark Zuckerburg give money to charity? I thought google (if I read correctly) also gave money to charity (as individuals making personal profit, not as a company). Buying Oculus creates jobs for developers and programmers and the money therefor circulates to these employees. This reduces unemployment (a tiny bit) and give these people money which helps the economy because these people now have money to spare of luxury good and also for things like giving money to the poor african children which you have referenced so generally. Economic growth means that we keep making money and people can keep giving to charity. The difference of this to your proposal is that it doesn't involve all the big companies causing an economic collapse because they are giving all of their money to africa to avoid your half-baked moral judgement.

Although some might argue that sustainable continuous global economic growth is impossible in a closed economic (I say economic too much) system such as the planet, I think that because of the changeable rate of processing and extracting of resources and commodities that global economic well being is far from impossible. The problem is that we need to obtain these resources first which requires a lot of money in the same place (rich people). Once we have managed to increase production of commodities (like water pumping technology for the poor africa children) using this wealth we can focus on equality. I am not suggesting that Facebook should now focus on mechanical water pump production, just that the money which Facebook provides to employees can circulate and produce millionaires who can.

I think that we should leave charity to individual citizens while companies improve the nation through paying taxes (*cough cough… Google… cough. tax avoidance… cough*)

One more thing (although this is veering off topic even more) more african people are not as deprived of water as you might think. Although you are talking about a lack of clean water rather than a simple lack of water it is still important to remember that Africa is not always in drought and at times there are even flash floods, usually directly after droughts in a cruel and terrible irony as there floods are often almost as devastating as the preceding drought. I also don't think, at this point, just giving water is a good solution. We should either provide the means to get water as well as giving advice on how to prevent droughts or we should create prosperous industries in areas of poverty which will start off by using the low labour costs but will then cause a rise in labour costs due to the new skilled workforce. This will result in more money and then more things for money to be spent on (services) which should help the country economically if it could avoid government corruption and civil war for more than a decade. This process of development is a known process in geography called sectoral shift (the amount of income made by each industrial sector is shifted from primary like agriculture to tertiary which is services like restaurants). I only know this geography stuff from school and I am talking about it as an attempt to persuade myself that revising wasn't a waste of time now I have done my last geography lesson and exam, but this is not relevant, I just wanted to explain myself.

Now onto what I actually wanted to say when I clicked on this thread
I think that the technology used in the x-box kinect (or whatever it is called) should be combined with the oculus rift. Currently the OCulus uses num-chuck like things to know where your hands are but because it has no way of knowing the location in accordance to the ground it can be a bit glitchy and inaccurate so if there was a camera to work out where your hands were it would complete the virtual reality experience.

Sorry for writing so much and thank you for reading.
Good morning sweet princess