Real Name:Leke
Belt (Black Belt or higher):Black belt
Why do you want to join Fight club?: I saw some of ur guys they re good and i have some friends here
What can you offer Us? :Some help in wars i can give TC when i can and im very good at some mods
Something about your life:Im just a 12 year old who plays TB alot and have alot of friends and being in clans is all that matters to me
Do you know someone in the clan:
Previous clans?:The God
Time zone:GMT+0200
Previous names/alt accounts?:
In-game activity (1-10):9
Forum activity (1-10):7-8
Some replays Of you:How to send them i would send them in skype if u want My name :SuBZ3rO Bishez/Leke.Demjaha
P.s Plz reply to me and tell me if u want to c more Peace guys
Hey subzero great app I'm impressed, you got black belt which is good and you sound like you good ingame.
So ill invite u next time I go online or ill tell jooker to.
Thanks you