View Poll Results: F4IL or WIN?
13 Votes / 23.64%
42 Votes / 76.36%
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Instead of wasting their time making it with crap-your-pants graphics, they should've worked on variety (I'd like to see more riding animals, a larger variety of weapons and enemies, shields, and a small expansion on the counters), size, and the fact that it gets really repetitive. Each mission can be narrowed down to "Sneak in, kill a few guards and archers, chase dude down."
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Loved the ending, but they only did it so you'd buy AC2 to find out what happened.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
The game itself is a good idea, but after a few missions and side missions it gets boring, the further you come the more moves you get.. only.. the guys you are fighting dont really get better in any way, so its just like killing a baby with an axe, there also isnt a like legendary difficulty in wich the guards have life bars themselves or anything, or can beat you to dead with like 3 hits, there s nothing left to run from, you can kick the ass of 35 man without dying and kill every citizen on the streets, there should be a reason to be silent and stealthy,a danger of some kind.
idea = win the game itself starts sucking balls after about 145 min of playtime.

but for children very much fun.
Last edited by Squiziph; Aug 10, 2008 at 11:59 PM.
yes in you can't die in this game...okey i died only one time because i jumped from the big church or what it is in jerusalem i think...but don't landet in the cart with grass xD
Originally Posted by Sahee View Post
Ending is great, it could be spoiler of some sort, so I'll write it in white ;p. Don't read it if you didn't finish AC:

The ending proved what does it mean "nothing is real, everything is permitted", gave an impression that not only the virtual wold in animus is not real, but also the thing we consider "reality" isn't. Sorta Matrix-like philosophy, which I love, cause if you believe in it - it makes you worry less, and fear less about some actions that you do r-l. Not that I am sure world is an illusion of some sort. ;] Maybe it is, maybe it ain't. But it makes me wonder, and such mental "stimulator" is pretty fun, and maybe challenging in some ways.
Re-fighting every boss at once was good idea too,
and that "eagle-sight" that main character gets r-l in the end makes it possible to expect that such fights and all the Assassin's creed-like action game to be set in the times that they consider "present", world they consider "real".

Game is epic win. ;]
Multiplayer would be sweet, templars vs assassins, gta4-like.

No. That's basically untrue.

What the did is leave us in a fucking cliffhanger, with no information at all, other than things from many languages, which put together, disjointedly, form the idea that the 'world as we know it' is going to end on the day the Mayan calendar predicted.

That 'eagle eye in real life' thing is simply the 'bleeding'. Desmond's starting to lose touch on reality and becoming his ancestor, being unable to tell apart his memory from his ancestor's. People used to movies and anime will say that's a good thing, but it isn't. Because the last person who got the bleeding became crazy and wrote all those messages. It would make him an assassin, but he wouldn't be able to turn back. And let go of the optimism that 'it'll all work out in the end'. That's not really what the story is about.

Basically, my prediction of the storyline is. The templars have been putting assassin descendants into the animus, thus revealing the location of the 'treasures', but ALSO, creating assassins. As they all got the 'bleeding', their assassin memories became active, meaning they are now ABLE to fight the templars.

And my opinion on the end of the game is. Shit. Until then, you basically had more or less control over what you did. Then as soon as the treasure is given to you, you 'can't do it'. Which isn't something that should be taken so lightly. You should have been able to do SOMETHING.

Scene change. You're now in the animus, and get the eagle eye power, and see that the girl really IS a friend. You look around and see random messages left by the previous subject.

And then, it doesn't make lots of sense. He says that 'as they drained his soul, he will drain his body to tell you this story', meaning he wrote all that in his blood. Then why does it show up as red, huh? I'd think it'd show up as blue due to him being a friend, to be honest. Unless the subject was in fact, NOT an assassin.

The messages are left there to 'make tension for the next release', according to the producers. However it works in the movies, a cliffhanger of this type in a game series is an absolutely shitty idea, because of the huge amount of time between two releases.

Seriously, the last fucking line is stupid as hell.

"What do they mean, I wonder." with a pretty shitty intonation.

Not something a REAL person would say.

Gameplay rocked, story started out fine, ended up shit because of the nubs that thought it was a good idea to put a cliffhanger in a game.

If you want to buy it, I suggest waiting until AC2 is available, first, and get them both at the same time.
Last edited by Jok; Aug 11, 2008 at 12:36 PM.
I loved assassins creed. Well, I don't have the game myself, but my mate has it and I played it alot there. Okey, it got repetive after a while, but damn did I love slicing retards. I loved the atmosphere of the game.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Jok, the fact that you're so damn angry at the "cliffhanger" trick being used, means that you care, so it's done it's job, imo.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"