Originally Posted by EchoMarine View Post
Look, I know all that, and the moves were just to do the beginning...thing, HyperCam sucks I know, I'm gonna get a new computer, SHaders, better graphics, with a built in screen recorder, so I hope everything will be fine

1 question though...What...How...Why...Odlov, what do you do, go look in every clan forum, not that i'm complaining, but...what?

And why is everyone who isn't in the clan talking about this...except you Wild

Cuz i are invadez0rz
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)

So my video sucks enough for you to talk about something else in my video's's okay I understand...*Sniff* I WANT DIVORCE!! AND THE FRIDGE!
No! Microwave sucks! 6 minutes for pop-corn? I could finish a triple whopper in less...SO I CALL FRIDGE....AND THE SHOTGUN!