Can you guys look up the page 'Britian First' on Facebook? It's a good example of the directed hate towards Muslims I was talkin about. Even though a few oftge things they post are worthy. Most of them are little things used to hate on Muslims.
Also, on one post there was a boy tortuted by a 'Muslim' butcher. A few more lines down the author of the text then says. 'All because he was white and he was attacked by Pakistanis'. At this point I just lost faith in everything. How many times do people die in England? A shit load, only a few will be hit by media and I rarely see media in Britain on someone who died and is not British. This post was using a serious event to foward its movement. It felt like saying the butcher was Muslim would help. And it did -_-.
What annoys me the most is that this page is targeting Muslims without using the real situation. Obvious discrimination.
Last edited by Kradel; May 11, 2014 at 10:21 AM.