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[GM-OVER] Animal Spirit

Animal Spirit

Since the beginning of time, shamans have held deep bonds with animals and their spirits. Nearly every animal represented a certain trait of humans. Among the ancient Indians, people would even be named after the animals which captured their characteristics. Nowadays things are a bit different, but the representation of traits and characteristics through animals has been maintained.

Now it's your time to show us how much you know about the Toribash Staff and their personalities or appearance!

In this event it's your job to analyze and to maybe even study a staff member of your choice. You'll have to bring their characteristics into the animal realm and draw a picture of the animal which would best represent the staff member you picked.

If you'd like to know more about any staff member, researching them via the forums is recommended. You could also take a look at the staff members Tori ingame! Maybe some of them have a special appearance from which you can derive their characteristics.

The entries will be judged on the following main categories:

1. How creative is the idea?

2. Is the idea comprehensible and understandable?

3. Result of the picture (art/design skill)

The rules for this event are the following :

1. It must be an original picture drawn by you. No plagiarism.

2. Choose only ONE staff member.

3. You can create the picture in your medium of choice: digital, physical, whatever. We just have to be able to see it somehow, so even take photos of drawings if you need to!

4. It must be comprehensible! It is recommended that you attach a note to your post explaining why you picked this specific animal and characteristics for the specific staff member. It is also quite easy to take some of the staff members' Toris' appearances into account when drawing the animal (for example, Ishi's animal could be black and red).

5. The animal must be a real one. No mythical or imaginary animals.

6. Don't use animals with which the staff member already has a correlation. That means, no shark for Siku, no fish for Fish, etc.

Judges will be the GM team.

1st. + x5 + 50k TC

2nd. + x3

The deadline will be 1 month from the time where the event is posted. This will be the 06/03/2014 (3rd June).
Last edited by Destram; May 11, 2014 at 08:24 PM.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Oh, also... Is there a limit to the number of submissions we can post?

While this one month you can change your submissions as often you want, but in the end you have to submit only one picture. Despite from that, you may have multiple variations, for example of the animals pose like it's common in character designs, but still only in one picture.

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Great event idea. Looking forward to seeing the results. Can't imagine what else you could draw Fish as though. O_o

It shouldn't be too easy. There are enough animals, people have to use their creativity.


I chose panda because Editz is really kind and understanding and encompasses the feeling of chilling and never getting angry over things. Peace is everything. But he uses the stick in order to provide the divine judgement needed so people learn how to behave, but this rarely happens as he prefers talking over such important matters.
As a young panda editz lurked around in forums jungle without really knowing what to do or what to say. Because he was kind and fluffy older pandas instructed him in the way of fighting and thus editz became the 1st panda monk. After some years editz had become a master of ways a true master that was able to adapt to each situation and overcome it. Editz roared the toribash wow for some years and helped other animals with their work and jobs. What really caught editz attention, after he had master fighting, was marketing. And thus he became a market squad member. He was now able to instruct other animals on how to be nice and informative marketers. After some years on the job, the job became a routine and he stopped. As he was a renowned fighter he soon became a game master. Now he is able to use his favourite food and long companion, his bamboo stick, in order to set some rules and regulations on animals with bad attitude. And dont be fouled by his nice appearance and pleasant and nice behaviour as all pandas, he also has his panda fighting spirit and wont be afraid to use it when needed to. Then he will consume your soul after beating you up in the head with his bamboo stick (called ban-hammer) and leave you on the animal bench for some time until you prove that you have changed or deemed worthy of walking again.

As all living things do, they lose their path and get lost among themselves. They will eventually find their way back to the correct path. As none is perfect and we all do mistake cause none is perfect.

Thought that black and white would be more preferable as editz is colourful so you can think of the panda recolour in different ways.
Last edited by Possesed; Jun 1, 2014 at 06:42 AM.
I do have a couple of ideas , but since the deadline is
so long, I'll wait a couple of weeks before getting into it.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.