Original Post
Just another sub-thing like market, 500 tc to make an auction, and set a minbid and minraise as well as autobuy, without posting. Just a click of 2 buttons; bid, or autobuy.
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
You can make an auction for free in the items thread, idk whats the point in paying for something that is originally free.

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I like the system and everything about it short of one thing; the auction fee.
It's dumb, and I could easily make an auction in the items subforum for free.

Oh, and it needs an auction end time with a maximum end time of 168 hours (one full week). The maximum end time is just a suggestion to keep people from abusing the end time feature (i.e. making the end time 3,247,823 hours from the start of the auction).
Sorry, forgot all about the endtime. The fee just came to mind, for in real life auctions have fees dependent on the selling price.
Originally Posted by etoria View Post
Just another sub-thing like market, 500 tc to make an auction, and set a minbid and minraise as well as autobuy, without posting. Just a click of 2 buttons; bid, or autobuy.

The idea itself is not inherently bad tho, having a auction feature implemented in the market could be handy and why not? It's not like it would hurt to try it.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
What about flames, if somebody wants to auction a flame will they have to do it in the auction sub forums? Or will flames have a sub sub forum. lol
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
What about flames, if somebody wants to auction a flame will they have to do it in the auction sub forums? Or will flames have a sub sub forum. lol

Flames are made to be items, as they even come with their own personal item ID; just as if it was an item.

You'd select the flame as if it were an item. People can /lf [0 or 1] [Flame ID] is they want to see how the flame looks. The auction would go as specified.