-Your Age: 11
-Your Name: Finn.
-Your Skype (optional): PM'ed if accepted.
-Where did you hear about GG?: Found it in recruiting forum.
-What makes you want to join GG?: Because its a new clan and i want to help y'all out.
-Why should we let you into GG?: Because i have improved quickly and now get high places in GMtourney and such.
-Your forum activeness(1-10): 5-10
-Your in game activeness(1-10): 9-10
-Some interesting things about you: Well i play soccer and i speak really good english for my age.
-A small bio (If you are doing the list form): I'm a gamer from the netherlands that spends most of his free time toribashing and that plays football/soccer IRL
Originally Posted by FragzOut View Post
Finn good app I would give your forum activity atleast a 7

Not interested in GG anymore, i joined fight club and im happy there
-Your Age: 15

-Your Name: Jonah

-Your Skype (optional): None

-Where did you hear about GG?: Found it on the Clan List.

-What makes you want to join GG?: I like the concept that fun doesn't always come from winning.

-Why should we let you into GG?: Because if more people saw players from the clan ingame, it could grow very quickly.
Also I am a brown belt and have a Qi of 870.

-Your forum activeness(1-10): 0, however one of the reasons I am looking for a clan is so that I have a reason to become active in the community.

-Your in game activeness(1-10): 10, I play for at least 3 hours a day. (Normally around 5 hours)

-Your best/favorite mods: I enjoy Wushu, kickboxing and Judo, also any parkour mods.

-Some interesting things about you: I do parkour in both real life and in Toribash.

-A small bio (If you are doing the list form): I'm growing up in a area with extremely slow internet connection, because of this,
Toribash has became one of my favorite games because it's turn based and high ping doesn't put me at a disadvantage,
it has since became my one and only goal to master Toribash.
Last edited by MasterJ52; Jul 8, 2014 at 07:23 AM.