sir: Hi, Smilies!
Smilies2: Hey.
sir: Let's start from the very beginning. Your first organization, God Team, was originally a modding-only team, right?
Smilies2: Yeah. Occasionally we would host tourneys with our own mods to test them out or just entertain everyone, but other than that, we mainly produced mods.
sir: And what was the main thing that made you focus on hosting events? Starting with raising the number of simple knockouts per day and ending with big projects such as Summerbash.
Smilies2: Well, we've always enjoyed doing knockout tourneys because we felt that they were never frequent enough in the community (or had terrible prizes). Since Clockworkmonkey and I have hosting experience from being Gamekeepers a few years back, we felt like we had the funds and the modding ability to host some good events.
sir: And as I understand, that's where you decided to found the God Squad. Can you tell us some details about it?
Smilies2: Well, we thought that 3 people wouldn't be enough to effectively hold the events we had planned. So one night, I recruited mwah and proposed that we started a separate branch of the Godteam which was dedicated to hosting events for the community. Fortunately, we found some good people to help out and we're able to produce good stuff now.
sir: From what I've seen, almost all the events of yours use the 'gt' mods. Are you going to stick to hosting only game-related events in unique mods that you make for them or are there going to be something that doesn't require using Toribash client that much (read as: art or other forum events).
Smilies2: We don't plan to host anything other than game-related events. We made God Squad to target the new player demographic which has joined since the game's release on Steam. Our mods try to simplify many different activities such as boxing, soccer, pinball, etc. - and they also allow both new and old players to challenge each other.
sir: Haha, I can try to distract players from you by making a new Deadly Game some time then.
Smilies2: Lol we'll just win it again.
sir: Okay, so can you leak something from your upcoming event, Summer Slugfest?
Smilies2: Hmm...
sir: I won't be able to make a "GODSQUAD EVENT LEAKED" video on youtube like Hax, but still.
Smilies2: Haha, it's being released this week and may be one of the most ambitious events the community has seen.
sir: Oh wow, that sounds intriguing. Any plans for the future?
Smilies2: Our plans for the future are expanding our staff, more frequent tournaments ingame, larger events using some revamped godteam mods like race cars and finally becoming a legitimate staff group to rival the GMs. That's about it.
sir: Well, good luck to you at fulfilling these plans and at your future events, looking forward to them!
Smilies2: Thanks for having me.
The prize set
I'm wondering what the collectable prize is that shevaroller will be sent for winning rags to riches, any information?