Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Idle Fighter
Don't you hate it when you are in the middle of a tourney match and you asked to do a job? I was thinking that for those moments, idle players could set up a command I call 'Idle Fighter' mainly because the game fights for you. What this does is it copies the codes of your last match to replicate each turn move or chooses random joints. Whichever is better.



Pretty basic but maybe hard to code and the thing about this is that you are no longer forced to abandon a tourney because your idle.
Last edited by Kradel; Jul 26, 2014 at 04:50 PM.
I'm against anything letting the game play for you. It's a game, play it yourself. If you have to go idle and miss your chance in an in-game tournament you shouldn't be able to even have a chance to win by something playing back your previous moves or doing random moves for you. That's essentially botting.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.