Name : RushPL
Age : 16
Belt and win ratio : 4Dan / 54%
Past bans/bad history : no
Mods that your skilled IN : mushu / aikido / abd / wushu / wushu3 / judofrag / twin swords
Game activity [1-10] : ... 6-7 maybe
Forum activity [1-10] : too same 6-7.
Past Clans : Toxic / Zero Gravity / Rampage / ToP
What can u do to help with the clan . I will help all members , put tc in bank / help in war . Im gonna be a shield and sword in Eternal Clan.
Why do u want to join eternal : Its my wish and my friends its here .
Hi, I'm Gibrsen. My real name is Teak, and I'm 11 years old. I'm a brown belt. I have played 824 games and my win ratio is 41%. I think I was banned back in 2011, when I was younger and made some dumb, thread. My GMT is -4, and I'm most active from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. I would rate my in game activity 8 out of 10. Although I do not post much, I actively lurk the forums. My past clan was Holy, which I quit because of its inactivity. I want to join this clan, because it is active, and I wish to learn from some of the members. My brother, Frigster, is one of your allies. He is a member of Envy. I have attached some of my best replays, so I hope you enjoy them.
I believe I have a Skype but I forgot the name (lol)
I'm trying to find it right now.
Name: Fishhh / Logan
Belt and Win ratio: Green, 37.71 (I mess around alot with my friends, and I also need a little help)
Past bans/bad history: None
GMT: Dont know what that term means?
Mods that your skilled In: Aikido
Game activity[1-10]: 8/10
Forum activity[1-10]: 3/10
Past Clans[If u had any]: None, hoping to be a first!
What can u do to help with the clan: I can represent the clan by winning tournys. I also have a YouTube.
Why do u want to join Eternal: I want to join because I would like some help from better people, and I also think this clan has a lot of Potential.
Skype Name (If u have Skype): Ill say If I get accepted.
Any Replays will help! Sorry don't have any :P