Yeah I didn't get the timeline when I first posted, didn't read much about it.
You said they shouldn't do it, not they should do it better.
I was being a tad sarcastic when I said they should let them loot, but yeah I know I could have made it more obvious. All this to say, Police job ain't easy and there's a thin line when it comes to protect and serve the citizens : looters and rioters are citizens too, and one of their lives isn't worth the material damages that the police tried to stop (and obviously made worst) when they killed that young man.
My other point is, people ending up riotting and using violence is a logical consequence of the environment the goverment is letting them rott in. They grow in poverty, lack of jobs, lack of access to culture, lack of schooling etc... they don't have the money to afford lawsuits, and if people grow up in violence most of them will likely use violence to try to solve their problems.
It's the snake biting its own tail : government ignore the poverty and the human griding machine > poor people grow up in harsh reality and violence > they become fed up of being outcasts and crave for decent lives for them and their kids > no one will help them > they use violence to protest and demonstrate their anger, or commit crimes & felony to replace a job they don't have > government answers with more violence > start over.
Add to that the politicians surfing the wave of anger and say they'll help them to get some votes, making promises they won't be able to keep... people are feeling let down, because they are.